Payment Policy
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Note: kindly WhatsApp or email us and give us the proof ( Recommended student name and beneficiary details) to receive your free gift.
Hekma Academy offers 2 free trial classes for new student with 2 different teachers. This will help you to choose the best_suited teacher for you without any fees.
No student will be allowed for a 3rd lesson without subscribing and paying the monthly fee.
If you took your decision to join Hekma Academy please, know that your subscription must be paid after 2 free successful trials and before the beginning of the next lesson. You will be given a choice to make an automatic monthly subscription or a manual monthly subscription.
A manual subscription involves paying for the next month’s classes at least 2-5 days before the start of next month. The 5th of every month is the last date of payment of the manual monthly subscription. Failure to pay by the last month will cause the suspension of classes until payment is done.
We will notify you of payment, and you’ll get an invoice through PayPal or email. This payment will cover your four weeks. We request timely payments to our customers as our commitment to the team and teachers depends on your timely payments.
If due to any reason, teacher or you fail to complete the scheduled hours, our teachers will arrange to make up for you and might add an extra hour into next month’s lesson plan.
We are here for you and we continuously ask for your support to spread the teaching of Islam in the world and equip every Muslim with the power of the Holy Quran.
We look for your kindly cooperation in making your learning journey memorable for you.