How to perform wudu?

How to perform wudu step by step Islamic Classes Online by Hekma Academy The best online islamic classes Academy

(how to do wudu step by step)

Wudu is a condition to pray salah in Islam in a right way,  Since it isn’t permissible to pray without Wudu you will learn How to perform wudu.

the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – said: (No salah is accepted without wudu)

Sahih Muslim, Book 2, Hadith 2

It is also required that the steps of Wudu be arranged and consecutive, so it isn’t permissible to take one step before the other.

So we will guide you How to perform wudu step by step through every aspect of this important and purifying cleansing ritual before you start salah…

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What is Wudu?

Before we start to pray salah, we must purify ourselves and prepare ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. This process is called Wudu, as it’s an important part of prayer. If you ignore it, your prayer will not be accepted by Allah.

How to perform Wudu

Step 1 – Make your intention to perform wudu:

The first step to know How to perform wudu is to make your intention “Niyyah” to God that you are going to pray salah, then say “Bismillah” the name of Allah” you can say it without loud to yourself before starting Wudu. The intention isn’t said out loud, but it’s enough for it to be in the heart.

Step 2 – Wash Your Hands Three Times

Prophet Muhammad “PBUH” says that, We must use the left hand to wash the right hand, all the way up to the wrist, and then use the right hand to wash the left hand three times.

Make sure that you wash in between your fingers as it’s How to perform wudu

Step 3 – Reins Your Mouth Three times

Use your right hand to take some water and rinse your mouth three times with it. Do this thoroughly to clean your mouth and than spit it out.

Step 4 – Sniff Water Into Your Nostrils Three Times

Take some water by using your right hand and sniff it partially through your nose, but be careful when sniffing so as not to cause suffocation. Then use your left hand to blow water out of your nose and repeat this three times to learn How to perform wudu.

Step 5 – Wash your face three times

With two hands, wash every part of the face from ear to ear and from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your chin. Do this three times.

 For men,  if you have a beard run your fingers through the it. If the beard is thin it can be washed thoroughly, otherwise for a thick beard run your wet fingers through the hair to clear it.

Step 6– Wash Your Arms Three Times

Start from the fingertips and use your left hand to wash your right arm up to the elbow three times, and use your right hand to wash your left arm, The entire arm should be wet, leaving no dry parts.

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Step 7 – Wipe your head

In this step, you wipe your head not wash it, so you move your wet hand from your hair forwards and backwards, and from your forehead, to the back of your head, back to your forehead, this step is done only once

This step should every one do, Whether you are bald, have short hair or long hair, the process is the same.

In the same step and in the same water of this step, you clean your ears from the inside and the outside, With your index finger wipe away any dirt or wax in the groves of your ear,  and your thumb to clean the area behind your ears.

This is done only once.

Step 8 – Wash Your Feet Three Times

Washing the feet. Begin washing your right foot, covering from the tip of your toes to just above the ankle. Make sure water touches every area of the right foot, especially between the toes and the back of the ankle. Do this three times

Do the same for your the left foot.

Step 9 – Recite the Shahada and the Dua

Once you are done, recite the shahada, When the Prophet “PBUH” would complete his wudu he would say the shahada:

“Ash-hadu an la ilaha  illal lahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh.”

This means “I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I also testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.”

and that’s How to perform wudu.

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After this statement he would make the following dua: “Allahuma j‘alnee mina tawabeen waj-‘alnee minal mutatahireen”

Which means “O Allah, make me among those who seek repentance and make me among those who purify themselves.”

At this point your wudu is complete and you can begin to pray.

In the end, Wudu must be performed one after the other (tarthib), so it is important that you follow the steps carefully in the correct order, and If you perform one step before another, you must repeat Wudu again.

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